Query and Download Contributed Data

How to download contributed data from the Materials Project (MP) website/database.


Under Construction. We are working on enabling CSV/JSON download buttons for entire projects or specific queries. The downloads will also function as versioned snapshots for each project.


Querying MPContribs data programmatically involves the following steps:

  • Install the python package mpcontribs-client.

  • Initialize the client with your API key and a project

  • Check client.available_query_params() for available query parameters

  • Build up a query dictionary

  • Decide which fields to retrieve

  • Run client.query_contributions()

Here's an example for the carrier_transport dataset:

from mpcontribs.client import Client
client = Client(apikey="your-api-key-here", project="carrier_transport")
client.available_query_params()  # print list of available query parameters
query = {"formula__contains": "Au", "data__PF__p__value__lt": 10}
fields = ["identifier", "formula", "data.metal", "data.S.n.value"]
data = client.query_contributions(
    query=query, fields=fields, sort="-data.S.n.value", paginate=True

By default, paginate is False which will only retrieve the first page of results and should be used to test the query, fields and sort parameters before paginating through all results.

If entire projects or large subsets of contributed data are downloaded for later use, it is often more efficient to use the client.download_contributions() function. It also takes a query as argument and downloads all results as json.gz files behind the scenes. Only locally missing data is downloaded when download_contributions is run and contributions are loaded from disk. This function always retrieves all fields included in the data component, so the fields argument is not available/needed. Additional components (i.e. structures, tables, and attachments) can be included in the downloads through the include argument:

data = client.download_contributions(query=query, include=["tables"])

Last updated

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